The Ships of the Second Great War
Furious/Victoria-class BCL


Alternate History Fiction
Minor Navies
United Kingdom
United States of America

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16,500 tons tons standard;  21,000 tons tons full load
22,600 tons standard; 27,250 tons full load
786.6' x89.6'x27.2'
(flight deck)
2x18"/40 main guns (2x1) (reomoved for carrier)
10x5.5"/50 (5x2) (reduced to just 6 in carrier)
18 boilers
100,000 shp
4 shafts, 31 knots
3" belt, tappering to 1" at both ends
2" deck
1.5" turrets and barbettes
1.4" conning tower
748 (360 air group)
-HMS Furious (carrier)
-HAMS Victorious (battlecruiser)
The Furious-class was devised by Admiral Sir Jackie Fisher.  Classifed as heavy-light cruisers, the Furious and her sisiterships, the Courageous-class, were designed to run up to the Danish coast, and bombard German positions there.  A failure, the Furious and the Coruageos had paper-thin armor.  The second Furious, the Victrious was completed after the war, and sold to Australia to deter American interest there.  The Furious and two of the three Courageous-class, the Courageous and Glorious, were converted to aircraft carriers.  The Notorious, the other Courageous, was sold to Canada.
The Victorious was sunk by Amercian warplanes from the carrier Ticonderoga on May 11, 1936 in the Battle of the Marinas.  The Notorious (now the the Victoria) did what Lord Fisher had planned for it to do.  Steaming down the American coast-line, it shelled American poitions just up the St. Lawrance and New York City.  It was detered in the Chesepeke while trying to attack Washington, DC. 


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