The Ships of the Second Great War
Kilkis-class Pre-dreadnaught


Alternate History Fiction
Minor Navies
United Kingdom
United States of America

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14,239 tons standard; 16,700 tons full load
6x13" (3x2)
8x5" (4x2)
4x22" TT (above waterline) 
(post refit)
10 boilers
2 shafts, 21 knots
9.6" belt, tappering to 4.2" at both ends
3" deck
11.3" barbettes
12" turrets
9" conning tower
-RHS Kilkis
-RHS Lemnos
The Kilikis-class were sold to Greece from the United States in August of 1914.  Orriginally the American pre-drednaughts Mississippi and Idaho.  Both spent much of the First Great War berthed at Salamis Naval Yards being refited.  This massive inudertaking was expensive, and advisors from the US, UK, France, and Germany weer present to help the Greeks.  The Kilikis left Salamis shipyards Jun 29, 1918, and the Lemonos left August 3, 1918.
In 1923, the Ukranine declared war on Turkey, for several reasons.  Under Ukranian pressure, the Royal Hellanic Navy deployed the Kilikis to the Turkish coast in the Black Sea.  There, with the Ukranian battleship Kiev, fought a battle against the Turkish Navy.  The Kilikis was damaged, but only lighty.  Unitl 1924, Greek and Ukranian naval forces bombarded the Turkish coast in suport of troop landings.
In December 1925, the Draculan Alliance was formed.  Hungary, Austria, Romania, and Bulgaria banded together to form a new nation.  This nation's integrity was tested in March of 1926 when Italian forces landed in Albania.  A force of Darculan and Greek land forces helped the Albanian Army into forcing Italy to fight a costly Great War-style trench warfare.
In August of 1926, the Kilikis and Lemnos patroled the Agean Sea for any possible outbreak of the Italian Navy.  In September, the League of Nations ordered Italy to oull out of Albania or face the consequnces.  By November, 11,000 British, 3,00 French,a dn 4,340 Japanese soldiers were fighting in Albania.  The stalmate was broken when French forces used tanks.
The Kilikis and Lemnos are dued tro be decomisioned in 1935, and be replaced by two advanced dreadnaughts.






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